Luna Poster

Luna Poster
Luna from 3 weeks to 6 weeks

23 October 2014

Angel Luna to Devil Lunatic

My sweet little Angel is turning into a devil >:D She has lost 5 baby teeth to date (that I'm aware of) and starting to go through the teenage stage. Luna will be going to the groomers next month for a tidy up round her feet and ears etc

To date she has:-
- Chewed the Carpet
- Chewed the Skirting Boards
- Ran off into neighbours garden numerous times
- Jumped over wall at end on to field
- Not come back on recall last 2 times we've been out on walks

Nice and Pretty after a Bath

Random and Crazy Moments

New Toys



Waiting for Rich Tea Biscuits


12 October 2014

5 month old

I can't believe how big she's grown over the last 10 weeks since I picked her up from her breeder :luv: Luna lost her first puppy tooth yesterday and her training is coming along nicely. She's dropped herself down on to 2 meals now and on occasions she'll sleep in til half 9/10 but not very often :005:Can't wait til I can get out on proper walks with her over the next couple of weeks since I torn a ligament in my foot I've been on house rest and slowly building up. She is still a devil and will run off in to next door neighbours garden if she spots a chance >:D 

Luna has decided today she wanted to explore further than the garden and somehow found a way out on to the field behind us. Then decided she wanted to give me the run around on the field when I took her out with the ball to run off some energy. She has lost her 3rd tooth this morning.

