Luna Poster

Luna Poster
Luna from 3 weeks to 6 weeks

30 December 2014

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Myself and Luna would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope you all had a good Christmas.

Luna had her Christmas suit on for our training class Xmas party earlier on in the month, we are also looking forward to starting agility classes in the New Year.

1 December 2014

Luna - 01/12/14

Luna has now progressed on to Silver class at training and we have advanced her home learning of basic agility a little with her contacts and left/rights :)

Had fun with a plastic bottle


Having cuddles

Play date with Charlie

She passed her Bronze test on Thursday night :D

then tired herself out playing with Millie afterwards

Had her first trip to the groomers on Friday :)

8 November 2014

6 Months Old

Luna is officially 6 months old and she's got a clean bill of health from the vets. Also looks like she may be coming in season soon so have a watchful eye on her now for the tell tale signs.

It will be my luck that she will be when she's got her Kennel Club Good Dog Citizen Bronze Test on 27th November and booked in at groomers for a tidy up on 28th November.

Practising her Stand

Loves Millie's mousey, kong rope toy and sunflower



23 October 2014

Angel Luna to Devil Lunatic

My sweet little Angel is turning into a devil >:D She has lost 5 baby teeth to date (that I'm aware of) and starting to go through the teenage stage. Luna will be going to the groomers next month for a tidy up round her feet and ears etc

To date she has:-
- Chewed the Carpet
- Chewed the Skirting Boards
- Ran off into neighbours garden numerous times
- Jumped over wall at end on to field
- Not come back on recall last 2 times we've been out on walks

Nice and Pretty after a Bath

Random and Crazy Moments

New Toys



Waiting for Rich Tea Biscuits


12 October 2014

5 month old

I can't believe how big she's grown over the last 10 weeks since I picked her up from her breeder :luv: Luna lost her first puppy tooth yesterday and her training is coming along nicely. She's dropped herself down on to 2 meals now and on occasions she'll sleep in til half 9/10 but not very often :005:Can't wait til I can get out on proper walks with her over the next couple of weeks since I torn a ligament in my foot I've been on house rest and slowly building up. She is still a devil and will run off in to next door neighbours garden if she spots a chance >:D 

Luna has decided today she wanted to explore further than the garden and somehow found a way out on to the field behind us. Then decided she wanted to give me the run around on the field when I took her out with the ball to run off some energy. She has lost her 3rd tooth this morning.



25 September 2014

4 Month Old

What a month we've had from 3 to 4 months lol

Luna's turning into a devil when I'm not around hehe She had a digging session on the allotment and we started puppy class this week :)

She's been a star on walks when off lead, still a work in progress with on lead walks. She can do sit, down, stand, stay for 1 minute, stop, lefts/rights, touch, heel work off lead. She absolutely loves cheese and will do anything for it hehe

Luna gets along well with my cousin's Jack Russell Charlie and loves to play with him, a work in progress with my parents Westie Millie and our older Staffy Kera. She also loves to try and play with my rabbits that reside at my parents til further notice.

16 August 2014

12 weeks old

Can't believe we've had Luna 2 weeks tomorrow, where's the time gone :o She goes for her micro-chip on Monday afternoon and getting her wormer as well. Loves her frozen carrots and she loves chasing after her tennis ball on walks, met my nan and Vic Tuesday and they love her to bits. She's also met my cousin's family and her Jack Russell Charlie and had a really good play with him :D Officially meets my parents Westie Millie and the rabbits tomorrow

I gotz putz in da norty penz

8 August 2014

Mischievous Luna

Luna has settled in really well, got a lot to work on with her separation anxiety. Recall and sit are coming along nicely, just need to add the right commands to them Now on 4 small meals a day and will be going for her first walk on Monday. Also started training her to the whistle and she has picked sit command up quickly.

5 August 2014

Day 3

Luna's starting to settle in properly now and Kera's accepting she's here to stay hehe had fun with cardboard tubes, an empty maltesers box, zoomies in the garden and a kong filled with biscuit, treats and chicken & ham paste, nap time before her daddy gets home

Couldn't resist putting this photo on from early this morning

4 August 2014

10 weeks old and Luna is finally home

Luna is finally home. She has met our resident 8 year old Staffie and they get along beautifully other than a bit too much rough play :luv: She's had a play, some food and is now zonked out on the laminate. Great first night as she slept from 12/half 12 right through to half 5, where she went out to toilet and had a quick play session before settling back down to sleep for a further 2 hours. Had a quick shower, some food, play and now sleeping. She won't settle in her crate or puppy pen unless she is cuddling up.

23 July 2014

8 weeks old

 Me waz too warmz todayz so Iz went and laidz on the tiled floor in the puppy room. I iz now 8 weeks old and 2 of my sisterz went to their new homez todayz.

21 July 2014

Luna - 5 and 6 weeks old

I iz now 5 weekz old and my real mummiez hooman sent these fotios to my new hooman mummy

Herez I amz having cuddlez wiz my hooman at 6 weekz old

Me finkz me iz beautifulz