Luna Poster

Luna Poster
Luna from 3 weeks to 6 weeks

25 September 2014

4 Month Old

What a month we've had from 3 to 4 months lol

Luna's turning into a devil when I'm not around hehe She had a digging session on the allotment and we started puppy class this week :)

She's been a star on walks when off lead, still a work in progress with on lead walks. She can do sit, down, stand, stay for 1 minute, stop, lefts/rights, touch, heel work off lead. She absolutely loves cheese and will do anything for it hehe

Luna gets along well with my cousin's Jack Russell Charlie and loves to play with him, a work in progress with my parents Westie Millie and our older Staffy Kera. She also loves to try and play with my rabbits that reside at my parents til further notice.